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Greater Beulah Baptist Church (GBBC) offers a wealth of opportunities for you to engage in meaningful ministry. Embracing our Christian calling, we believe that service within God’s community is a pathway to spiritual growth and fulfillment. By actively participating in our ministries, you not only contribute to the well-being of God's people but also embark on a journey of personal and spiritual development. Our church leadership is dedicated to nurturing and equipping each member for impactful service, fostering an environment where growth and service go hand in hand. Remember, true growth in Christ is deeply intertwined with the joy of serving others.


The Christian Education Ministry is a supervisory planning and coordinating ministries that oversees the educational and instructional Ministries. The ministry is to lead the church to have a challenging program of Bible Study and Sunday School classes The ministry coordinates the education programs of the Church, assists in making training available to all members, workers, and the overall development of an effective ministry in the Church.


"Caring for God's people enough to ensure that they are protected to do God's work."

The Deacon/Deaconess ministry is composed of godly men and women who serve as spiritual leaders of the church. They seek to support the Pastoral ministry in nurturing the congregation while seeking to reach out to those that are lost. They actively engage in the visitation of the sick, shut-in, and in the counseling of prospective new members.  Members of this ministry are appointed by the Pastor. The Deacon/Deaconess ministry also is also responsible for the Intercessory Prayer ministry.


The Men's and Women's ministries serve to nurture the spiritual growth, fellowship, leadership development, service, and support of men and women within our congregation, helping them to grow in their faith and live out their Christian calling in community with one another.


The Outreach Ministry is responsible for coordinating the program of outreach and evangelism for the church. This ministry’s mission is to make sure that the church's programs and services are taken beyond the four walls of the church building. This ministry is responsible for coordinating shelter visits, street outreach, and Gateway Village ministry where each month the different ministries of the Church provide a service including preaching, music, and food to the residents.




The senior pastor is the spiritual leader who provides vision, guidance, and care to the congregation, while also overseeing the church's ministries and operations. It is multifaceted, encompassing preaching, teaching, pastoral care, leadership, and community engagement, all rooted in a deep commitment to serving God and His people.


The executive Pastor is a multifaceted ministry position combining elements of strategic leadership, administrative oversight, pastoral care and organizational management to support the mission and ministry of the church. They also work closely with the senior pastor and the ministries of the church to develop and implement the overall vision, mission, and strategic direction of the church. Overseeing the day-to-day operations of the church, including managing staff, ministry leaders, budgeting and financial management, facilities management, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Also, providing limited pastoral care and support to members of the congregation, especially during times of crisis or need.


The Praise & Worship Ministries are the Worship leaders and the Praise team ministries that are an integral part of the church’s overall worship experience. The ministry enhances relationships with the Lord through ushering expressions of praise for who He is and offering of Thanksgiving for what God has done.


The Technology Ministry is responsible for the church's Live Streaming of church services. It is through this ministry offering assistance to creating the church announcements, development and maintenance of the church’s website, communicating events and assisting ministries with programs and marketing materials.  This ministry utilizes social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram and Tic Tok to communicate the Church’s activities.


The purpose of the Trustee Ministry is to have charge of, and maintain all church property, to include making repairs and keeping the property in good condition. The ministry shall maintain and oversee custodial care, and maintenance of the building. This ministry also oversee the following ministries:


  • Church Rental

  • Church Finances (Counters)

  • Church Security

  • Church Transportation


The purpose of the Usher’s/Greeters Ministry is to greet members and guests with a smile and make them feel welcome. They are to facilitate the warmth and comfort of the Pastor as well as each worshipper.The Nurses Ministry is to assist the Pastoral staff, visiting Ministers and congregants with proper nourishment and medical assistance during service. The ministry should provide consolation and assistance at funerals and promote God’s principles in healthy lifestyles through Health Education to the church body. Nurses are required to purchase and maintain uniforms and keep CPR and First Aid certification current.  This ministry assists church and community in keeping our bodies healthy by promoting educational awareness of preventive health measures through health education, i.e., Men’s Prostate and Breast Awareness Cancer seminars.


The purpose of the youth ministry is to disciple young people in spiritual growth through the love of Christ and encourage them to share their faith in word and deed.  The ministry seeks to provide instruction, activities, fellowships and meaningful opportunities that will enhance young people to conform to the image of Jesus Christ.

“Creating a caring community of believers who experience freedom in Christ”
“Parable of the Good Samaritan”  Luke 10:25-37

Join Us for Worship

Greater Beulah Baptist Church

6056 Central Avenue

Capitol Heights, MD 20743


Phone: 301-808-2660

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Prayer Request

The Monday Prayer Call that is held every Monday Night at 8:00 pm. The dial in number is (781) 448-0226.

Below is the form for submitting prayer request to Greater Beulah Baptist Church. We will share and pray for all requests unless they are asked to remain private.

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