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Ministerial Staff

Rev. Alma Savoy Church Administrator
Rev. Alma Savoy
Executive Pastor

Reverend Alma D. Savoy was born in the state of Arkansas. However she has resided in the Metropolitan area since the early sixties. After working for the Federal Government for a brief time, Rev. Savoy had a strong desire to seek a career in public education. Therefore, late in her life she received her undergraduate degree in Special and Elementary Education from the University of Maryland, College Park and a Master’s of Education in Guidance and Counseling at Bowie State University. Rev. Savoy has retired after 24 years in the field of public education to pursue full time ministry, Church Administration and the role of Executive pastor.

After living in California for 7 years, Rev. Savoy returned to the area with a strong burden for Christian Education and “heavy hearted” by seeing so many of her Christian sisters and brothers defeated due to a “lack of knowledge”. She became involved with Church School and the Lord blessed her to be a youth Sunday school teacher, Adult Sunday school teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, teacher-trainer and to conduct Sunday school workshops.

In 1980, after the tragic drowning death of her oldest son, God started to deal with Rev. Savoy and called her to the preaching ministry. After running from the Lord and denying this call for many years, the Lord allowed her no peace until she sought the Lord in complete surrender and “He delivered her from all her fears”. In January 1995, she was licensed to preach and Ordained to the gospel ministry in 2001 at the Greater Beulah Baptist Church. Rev. Savoy currently serves as Executive Pastor, Associate Minister, and Bible StudyTeacher.

God has truly blessed Rev. Savoy to be a preacher and teacher of the good news of God’s word and she gives all the glory and honor to him. She truly loves the Lord and is committed to doing His will and His work…His way!

Rev. Savoy lives by these words,” I shall pass this way but once, any good that I can do or any kindness I can show, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.

“Creating a caring community of believers who experience freedom in Christ”
“Parable of the Good Samaritan”  Luke 10:25-37

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